High-Performance Graphics 2017
Thanks for a wonderful conference! See you August 10-12, 2018 in Vancouver, Canada!
We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2017! High-Performance Graphics is the leading international forum for performance-oriented graphics systems research including innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, and hardware architecture. The conference brings together researchers, engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions of massively parallel hardware, novel programming models, efficient graphics algorithms, and novel applications.
High-Performance Graphics was founded in 2009 to synthesize and broaden on two important and well-respected conferences in computer graphics: Graphics Hardware and Interactive Ray Tracing
The conference will take place at the Sheraton Grand Los Angeles on July 28-30 in Los Angeles, USA.
See the Call for Participation for complete submission requirements and the other pages on this site for information about registration, accommodations, and the conference program. You can peruse the web archive for information from previous years.
For continuing updates about the conference, sign-up for our mailing list.
See you in Los Angeles!
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